Wednesday, May 2, 2007

I'M AN AUNTIE!!!!! :)

Our very dear friends, Cara and Justin Garland had their first baby last night! They were waiting to find out the sex of the baby and they had a son! Daniel James Garland was born at 8:56pm, weighing 7lbs 6 oz and he is 20 inches long. Cara is amazing! She did it all without an epideral!!! Daniel is absolutely perfect and beautiful. He has Justin's lips and Cara's nose and a full head of dark hair. Justin and Cara are the first of our close group of friends to have a baby. A bunch of us were at the hospital last night and got to see Justin, Cara and Daniel. All I can say is that was an emotion I've never felt before to walk into the room and see one of your very best friends lying in a hospital bed holding her son... Words can't even describe it. That was a night I will remember for the rest of my life... I'm trying to get pictures to post so everyone can see how adorable he is! I'm an auntie! :)


Ryan & Holly said...

congratulations on being an "auntie". I saw your message on Josh and Valerie Anders' page and thought I would check your page out because I havn't seen you since our chearleading days at Faith. I was glad to hear that you had gotten married 2 and 1/2 years ago. Congratulation on that too. No kids yet though, huh? Are you guys talking about having kids soon? Ryan and I have been married for 6 years this coming June 30th and we have 2 of the most adorable kids in the entire world. And no, I am not just being biased. Ok, maybe a little. Hannah just turned 3 on February 3rd and Riley just turned 8 months yesterday. Hopefully by next summer we will have 3 kids. We love having kids and want a big family so hopefully our plans will be God's as well. Ryan is a full time pastor at the Gridley Nazarene Church and I am happy to be a stay at home mom. So you and your husband live in Washington? What made you move there? Nice to get to "know" you again.

Lydia Paige Louise said...

How exciting!! I am so happy for them! I love them so much! I hope i get to meet little Daniel. Tell Cara and Justin i say hi and congrats!! Love ya, Lydia

Anonymous said... aren't an auntie till i have a kid damn it! but yay for the garlands!