Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Amy Tice is the Blog Queen!!!

Okay, I would just like everyone to know (if you didn't already) that Amy Tice is the blog queen! She totally made my and Steven's blog way more fun (Told you I'm ready for summer...)!!! Seeing as how she has probably done half of our blog pages anyway, I move that we officially dub her the "Blog Queen." All in favor, say "I"! :) Thank you so much, Amy! You are a blessing, girl!


Lydia Paige Louise said...


Learning to Love said...


benology said...

I must agree with you on that. She is amazing isn't she and I'm not just saying that cuz she's my wife!!!

Amy said...

You are too kind! I definitely don't deserve all this praise! :-)

Danielle said...

I totally say I!! She is trully Amazing! Looks great Alie!

Mama Mia! said...

Eye! I mean, "I" Sorry about how sanguine we are Amy,(she gets embarrassed at our elaborate praise, Alie!) but you're amazing and we want everyone to know! Alie - I LOVE it! So you! Perfect! what nice feet you have, too!