Tuesday, June 19, 2007

A Day at the Races

My baby brother is so amazing!!! I was just down in California last week on a business trip and was able to extend my stay in order to hang out with my family who I miss so much and to watch my brother (back from college) ride his motorcycle at Thunderhill Raceway near our hometown. Technically these are called track days, not actual races my brother tells me. Ian had a whole cheering section show up just for him. Our immediate family, my uncle, aunt and cousin, Ian's girlfriend Sarah, and our neighbor family across the street all showed up to root him on. Ian is incredible and I'm not just saying that because I'm his sister (really!). It was a blast to pull up to the racetrack and hear the motors of all the bikes speeding around the 3 1/2 mile track. It was even more fun to watch my brother! He rides up to 160 mph in the straightaways and his knee is barely inches from the track on the turns. I've posted a bunch of pics below. It was really hard to get still pics of him racing because he was riding so FAST! (The blur of silver in the picture below is my brother...) I took video of him racing as well, but those are still stuck on my sis's camera. I hope to have them to post soon. That Saturday was the perfect way to spend as a family... good job, Baby Brother! (And thanks for the new spark in my prayer life... :) )


Tamar said...

Augh! I hate watching kids grow up! By "kids" I mean your bro and sis. It's so weird how I'll forever think of them as little, but they're not! Ian is such a (hairy!) man! How fun to get to watch him race..or track...or whatever!

Mama Mia! said...

It was SO good to see you friend! Come home again soon! I like it when you're around! Love you!