Daddy and I at "Rock Beach".... Not sure what it's really called. :)
The lovely ladies in my family
The boys having a skipping rock competition... Ian would later patiently teach me how on earth to skip a rock... (I'd apparently forgotten since I haven't done it since I was 8 or something.) After many attempts, I finally succeeded. It was miraculous. :)
Wednesday night, after playing at the beach all day, we went to Fred's for dinner. It's a really good Mexican food place. I guess they have some in So Cal too. At the very end of dinner, it was time for the sunset and I really didn't want to miss it, so Steven, Nat and I got up from our table and ran across the street to capture the sunset. I'm SO glad we did because it was by far the best sunset we saw on Maui... See for yourself...
Okay, so my husband probably would NOT want me to tell you this, but HE took the picture below... not me! Isn't it pretty?? Shhhh... Dont' tell anyone...
Hang Loose, Baby
Goofy face picture for Steven who gets bored with smiling all the time...
Belly Shot. This is my absolute favorite picture of Natalie. I think it's gorgeous. She's gorgeous, the sunset is gorgeous... it's perfect! Isn't she so beautiful?
Postcard, except it's really the sunset we saw! It could be a postcard, couldn't it?
I love kissing this man... :) Hee hee
Sisters Forever
Can you believe how beautiful the sunset was? Even the way it changed from fire orange and gold to deep indigo and purple and pink... I love Maui.