Sunday, August 5, 2007

Family Camp (Mav's 1st Time at the Beach!)

Every Summer our church has a Family Camp over at Ocean Shores, Washington. This year's camp was aweful and wonderful all at the same time! Aweful because the weather was TERRIBLE - it rained the whole time, so that meant no bon-fire on the beach, no mopedding, no miniature golf... none of the fun activities that have become tradition... However, it was a wonderful time of hearing from the heart of Pastor Dave Easterly, our previous Pastor who is now a missionary in Africa. His word was challenging, refreshing and absolutely from the heart of God. Our dear friends Cara and Justin also got ordained as official Pastors on staff at this year's Family Camp, so wonderful memories were made. This trip was Maverick's first time to the beach and he was absolutely adorable! He wasn't sure what to make of the waves coming in and out, but he loved running in the sand and exploring all the new sights and sounds. Enjoy the pics below!

Tom sharing memories of Justin growing up...

Praying for Cara and Justin...

Our good friends Art and Carrie with their beautiful daughter, Hannah and their nephew, Cara and Justin's son, Daniel...

I LOVE that chunky arm! Don't you just want to kiss him??

Okay, so Mav unexpectedly licked my face when we took this shot... I know... gross... but it was such a cute picture!

Not so sure about the waves...

Shaking off after a wave caught him...

Mav and "Dad" :)

Look how itty bitty he is! He's grown so much since then...


Amy said...

Mav is so and Steve look like such proud parents!

Lydia Paige Louise said...

Mav is a very cute puppy!! My friends just got one named Duke and he is so adorable!! They seem like very friendly and playful dogs!!

Kyle, Chelsie and Jacob said...

He's so cute... nice kiss in the mouth! Love you! Chelsi

Mama Mia! said...

no, him kissing you in the mouth isn't gross at all - especially when it looks like he's kissing your gums! AAAH! too cute! I heard camp was great!